
The Llama Who Saved the World

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It was a rainy night when she appeared, claiming to be a researcher and wanting access to our library.  Though many were wary of this traveler, King Llane decided it was best to allow her to stay.  He ordered my partner and me to guard her.

As we made our way to the room that she had been assigned, she looked around with curiosity bright in her eyes.  I took my chance to observe her.

She didn't look like any researcher that I had ever seen.  She was beautiful, with short red hair, green eyes, and fair skin.  She wore glasses and practical travel attire: a wool cloak, rough spun britches, and a light shirt.  She carried a travel bag slung across her chest and leaned on a walking staff.

"Why are there no children?" she asked, startling me out of my appraisal.

I thought for a moment before answering, "Well, you see ma'am, the king's wife died giving birth to their second child and he never had the heart to remarry.  He raised the children himself until one and then the other passed to the pox."

I could not see her reaction, but I sensed a change in her.  Forcefully, she replied, "I intend to see that happens to no other children."

Silence fell between us once more as Bernard led the way.  While I could not see her face, her shoulders appeared more set then before.  I did not doubt that she was giving it her all to solve the riddle of curing the pox.

"Here we are!" Bernard announced as we reached our destination.  He opened the door and stood aside for our guest to enter.

As she entered, she looked around.  The room contained a bed, a small wardrobe, and a chamber pot.  "Sparse, but it will suit my needs," she said in a clipped tone.
"Get some rest, my lady.  In the morning, I will accompany you to break your fast with the king," I said as I left the room.


The days that followed her arrival seemed to be a blur.  She spent her time in the library, poring over every book she could get her hands on.  The staff went about their business and the guards kept watch.  The king, well, let us just say he had taken a fancy to our guest.  This sent the palace and gossipers into an uproar.  Who would have thought that a little ole bookish researcher would spark his desire?  Certainly not I!

As we contemplated and gossiped, unaware of the disaster about to befall us, she went about her business.  Lost in her books, she seemed oblivious to everything around her, including the king hanging around her more and more.  I'm sure he learned more about her, but I never did; well, not until much later at least.

Then the day of disaster came.


The day dawned bright and sunny.  Not a day one would suspect a disaster to happen, but it did.  You see, there was this llama.  Mama the llama was a pet of the prince and princess.  King Llane could not abandon her after the children passed, so she stayed in the stable with the horses and the stable lads would often allow her to roam the gardens during the day.

This day, Mama was found in the East Garden, the one the children had loved to play in.  The gardeners say she was minding her business, eating the grass and wandering to the places she used to visit with the children.

It also happened that it was the day that the resident mage decided to take his apprentice o the garden to practice her fireball spells.  Things got a bit out of hand and instead of a fireball, the apprentice produced a lightning bolt.  This bolt passed Mama, singeing some fur, and scaring her.  She took off running.

Mama passed me as I was walking down the hall towards the kitchens for some breakfast.  It was my day off, so had gotten up a bit late.  She had already passed through the laundry room since she was blinded by the large lady's undergarments on her head.  She kept bumping the walls and nearly ran me over.

"Stop that llama!" I heard     yelled exasperatedly down the hall as I watched her turn a corner out of sight.  I joined in the chase.

Up and down the halls we went; in and out of rooms.  I almost thought I had her at one point, but she slipped away.  People scattered everywhere as Mama ran past.  Although still blinded, she proved amazingly deft.

I had lost Mama and was searching around, pointing to various rooms for others to search, when I heard a loud crash, followed by someone yelling, "Stop!"  I raced to the room this had come from and found Mama happily eating the pages of a book, the lady's undergarments skewed on her head.  King Llane and the researcher looked on in horror.

We all jumped into action, wanting to get Mama to stop, and ended up terrifying her more.  She stopped eating the book and bolted.  As others took off after her, I looked at the mess around me and sighed.  Everything was a disaster and in complete disarray.  I noticed that the king had begun picking up what he could, so I started to as well.

"Oh my…" I heard gasped behind me.  I had moved further into the room as the cleaning was done.  I turned and saw the researcher holding a book thoughtfully.

"What is it?" King Llane asked.

"I believe we have found it!" she exclaimed.  At our perplexed looks, she explained, "That crazy, book eating, women's undergarment wearing llama found the book that can lead us to cure the pox!"

"No…" I said as I headed towards her, the king doing the same.

We all stared in wonder as the researcher showed off the book.


In the days and weeks that followed, a cure was found.  I still cannot believe that if Mama had not gone on the rampage she had, we would still be fighting the pox.  She is a smart one, that llama.

Mama went on to live a long and fulfilling life, bringing happiness to many other children.  Oh?  That?  The king married the researcher in a beautiful ceremony.  They honored his previous wife and children, but created their own family as well.
As for me, I left the king's service shortly after the cure was found.  Decided I had had enough adventure for one lifetime. I'm now living a quiet life in a little fishing village, south of the castle.

"Hey, sheriff…"

Well, mostly quiet anyways.
Hello everyone! Here is my latest story. This was written for :icongrandmathunderpants:'s Contest! The theme was to include llamas and granny underpants, and they couldn't just be a little part of it, they had to be an integral part. The submission could also be any medium. ^_^

So here, we have my entry. It's a story about a kingdom facing a dreadful plague, the researcher looking for a cure, and the llama who saves it all!

Just as a side not, because of the genre I choose, you would not really see them referring to granny underpants as "granny underpants." I took the liberty to change this to referring to "lady's undergarments" as to make it fit into my story.

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